Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagrams.

(image code)

>>> import           Draw
>>> import           Geometry.Algorithms.Sampling
>>> import           Control.Monad.ST
>>> import           Numerics.Functions
>>> import           Geometry.Core                as G
>>> import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo     as C
>>> import qualified Data.Vector                  as V
>>> import qualified System.Random.MWC            as MWC
>>> seed = [2]
>>> (width, height) = (600::Int, 600::Int)
>>> :{
points = runST $ do
   gen <- MWC.initialize (V.fromList (map fromIntegral seed))
   let bb = boundingBox [zero, Vec2 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)]
   points <- poissonDisc gen bb 16 5
   let radius = fromIntegral (min width height) / 2.5
   pure (filter (\p -> normSquare (p -. boundingBoxCenter bb) <= radius^2) points)
>>> delaunay = delaunayTriangulation points
>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/delaunay_voronoi.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 1)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    let edgeCenter (Line start end) = (start +. end) /. 2
        imageSize = fromIntegral (min width height)
    for_ (delaunayEdges delaunay) $ \edge -> do
        let startRamp = imageSize * 0.4
            endRamp = imageSize * 0.8
            opacity = 1 - smoothstep startRamp endRamp (let Vec2 _ y = edgeCenter edge in y)
        setColor (mma 3 `withOpacity` opacity)
        sketch edge
    for_ (clipEdgesToBox bb (voronoiEdges delaunay)) $ \edge -> do
        let startRamp = imageSize * 0.2
            endRamp = imageSize * 0.6
            opacity = smoothstep startRamp endRamp (let Vec2 _ y = edgeCenter edge in y)
        setColor (mma 0 `withOpacity` opacity)
        sketch edge
Generated file: size 729KB, crc32: 0x640a6e45


delaunayTriangulation :: Sequential vector => vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation Source #

Create an (abstract) DelaunayTriangulation from a set of points. The resulting data structure can be queried using various functions in this module.

Some of the accessor results are aligned, e.g. delaunayTriangles and voronoiCorners have related \(i\)-th entries. Similarly it is possible to annotate accessor results with arbitrary data by simply mapping over or zipping them with the data source.

data DelaunayTriangulation Source #

Abstract data type supporting many efficient Delaunay and Voronoi properties.


Instances details
NFData DelaunayTriangulation Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay.Internal.Delaunator.Api


rnf :: DelaunayTriangulation -> () #


delaunayTriangles :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Polygon Source #

All Delaunay triangles, ordered roughly from the center of the input points’ bounding box.

Note: The circumcenter of the \(i\)-th triangle is the \(i\)-th entry of voronoiCorners. This can be used to zip them.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/triangles.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    V.iforM_ (delaunayTriangles delaunay) $ \i triangle -> do
        setColor (mma i)
        sketch (growPolygon (-2) triangle)
Generated file: size 48KB, crc32: 0x960a4150

delaunayEdges :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Line Source #

Each (undirected) edge of the Delaunay triangulation.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/edges.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    V.iforM_ (delaunayEdges delaunay) $ \i edge -> do
        setColor (mma i)
        sketch edge
Generated file: size 97KB, crc32: 0xc283d1df

voronoiCorners :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2 Source #

Corners of the Voronoi cells, useful for painting them in isolation.

Note: The \(i\)-th corner is the circumcenter of the \(i\)-th entry of delaunayTriangles. This can be used to zip them.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_corners.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    for_ (clipEdgesToBox bb (voronoiEdges delaunay)) $ \edge -> do
        setColor (mma 0 `withOpacity` 0.2)
        sketch edge
    V.iforM_ (voronoiCorners delaunay) $ \i corner -> do
        setColor (mma i)
        sketch (Circle corner 2)
Generated file: size 155KB, crc32: 0xfd606083

data Ray Source #

A ray is a line that extends to infinity on one side.


Ray !Vec2 !Vec2

Starting point and direction (!)


Instances details
Show Ray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay.Internal.Delaunator.Api


showsPrec :: Int -> Ray -> ShowS #

show :: Ray -> String #

showList :: [Ray] -> ShowS #

NFData Ray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay.Internal.Delaunator.Api


rnf :: Ray -> () #

Sketch Ray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay.Internal.Delaunator.Api


sketch :: Ray -> Render () Source #

Eq Ray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay.Internal.Delaunator.Api


(==) :: Ray -> Ray -> Bool #

(/=) :: Ray -> Ray -> Bool #

Ord Ray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay.Internal.Delaunator.Api


compare :: Ray -> Ray -> Ordering #

(<) :: Ray -> Ray -> Bool #

(<=) :: Ray -> Ray -> Bool #

(>) :: Ray -> Ray -> Bool #

(>=) :: Ray -> Ray -> Bool #

max :: Ray -> Ray -> Ray #

min :: Ray -> Ray -> Ray #

voronoiEdges :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector (Either Line Ray) Source #

Each edge of the Voronoi diagram. The boundary edges extend to infinity, and are provided as Rays.

clipEdgesToBox conveniently handles the case of constraining this to a rectangular viewport.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_edges.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    V.iforM_ (clipEdgesToBox bb (voronoiEdges delaunay)) $ \i edge -> do
        setColor (mma i)
        sketch edge
Generated file: size 94KB, crc32: 0x8e95bd19

data VoronoiPolygon Source #

A Voronoi Cell can either be an ordinary (finite) polygon, or one that extends to infinity for boundary polygons.


VoronoiFinite !Polygon

Ordinary polygon

VoronoiInfinite !Vec2 [Vec2] !Vec2

The polygon consists of a list of finite points, and extends to infinity at the beginning/end in the direction of the first/last argument. For example, the bottom/right quadrant (in screen coordinates) would be VoronoiInfinite (Vec2 0 1) [Vec2 0 0] (Vec2 1 0).

voronoiCells :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector VoronoiPolygon Source #

All Voronoi polygons. The polygons at the hull can be infinite.

clipCellsToBox conveniently handles the case of constraining this to a rectangular viewport.

Note: The cell of the \(i\)-th input point is the \(i\)-th entry of voronoiCells. This can be used to zip them.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_cells.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    V.iforM_ (clipCellsToBox bb (voronoiCells delaunay)) $ \i polygon -> do
        setColor (mma i)
        sketch (growPolygon (-2) polygon)
Generated file: size 37KB, crc32: 0x8587a040

delaunayHull :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2 Source #

We get the convex hull for free out of the calculation. Equivalent to calling convexHull on the input points, but as a Vector.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/convex_hull.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    sketch (Polygon (toList (delaunayHull delaunay)))
    setColor (mma 1)
    for_ points $ \p -> do
        sketch (Circle p 2)
        setColor (mma 3)
Generated file: size 37KB, crc32: 0x461696a3

findClosestInputPoint Source #


:: DelaunayTriangulation 
-> Vec2


-> Int

Start searching at the \(i\)-th input point of delaunayTriangulate. When doing many lookups for Vec2s close together, starting at the index of the previous find yields a significant speedup, because most of the time we’re already there.

-> Int


Find the index of the closest input point.

findClosestInputPoint needle start returns the index i of the closest input point to needle, starting the search at start. start=0 searches the entire input. points!i is the closest point’s position.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/find_triangle.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
        findThesePoints = runST $ do
            gen <- MWC.initialize (V.fromList (map (succ . fromIntegral) seed))
            let margin' = 20
                bb' = boundingBox [Vec2 margin' margin', Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin') (fromIntegral height - margin')]
            poissonDisc gen bb' 50 4
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    for_ (delaunayEdges delaunay) $ \edge -> do
        setColor (black `withOpacity` 0.5)
        sketch edge
    let foundTriangleIndices = [(p, findClosestInputPoint delaunay p 0) | p <- toList findThesePoints]
    for_ (zip [0..] foundTriangleIndices) $ \(i, (needle, p)) -> do
        let closest = points V.! p
        cairoScope $ do
            setColor (mma i)
            sketch (Circle closest 3) >> fill
            sketch (Circle needle 3) >> fill
        cairoScope $ do
            setColor black
            sketch (Circle closest 3) >> stroke
            sketch (Circle needle 3) >> stroke
        cairoScope $ do
            setColor (mma i)
            sketch (Line needle closest) >> stroke
Generated file: size 181KB, crc32: 0x6d8c142f


clipEdgesToBox :: HasBoundingBox boundingBox => boundingBox -> Vector (Either Line Ray) -> Vector Line Source #

Cut off all Rays to end at the provided BoundingBox. Convenient to take the result of voronoiEdges and clip it to a rectangular viewport.

clipCellsToBox :: HasBoundingBox boundingBox => boundingBox -> Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Polygon Source #

Cut off all infinite VoronoiCells with the provided BoundingBox. Convenient to take the result of voronoiCells and clip it to a rectangular viewport.

This function yields incorrect results when the angle between the directions is too large, because it simply comically enlarges the »infinite« directions to finite size, closes the then finite polygon, and clips the resulting polygon. Since Voronoi cells don’t produce such wide angels for even small point sizes, this is a worthwhile tradeoff. The issue can probably be hacked around by adding another point for all corners enclosed by the direction vectors.

lloydRelaxation Source #


:: (HasBoundingBox boundingBox, Sequential vector) 
=> boundingBox 
-> Double

Convergence factor \(\omega\).

-> vector Vec2 
-> Vector Vec2 

Relax the input points by moving them to(wards) their cell’s centroid, leading to a uniform distribution of points. Works well when applied multiple times.

The parameter \(\omega\) controls how far the Voronoi cell center moves towards the centroid. See here for a cool live visualization.

  • \(0\) does not move the points at all.
  • \(1\) moves the cell’s centers to the cell’s centroid (standard Lloyd).
  • \(\sim 2\) overshoots the move towards the cell’s center, leading to faster convergence.
  • \(<0\) values yield wonky-but-interesting behavior! \(\ddot\smile\)

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/lloyd_relaxation.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
    let margin = 10
        bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
    cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 0)
        setDash [5,5] 0
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
    let points' = iterate (lloydRelaxation bb 1) points !! 5
        delaunay' = delaunayTriangulation points'
    V.iforM_ (clipCellsToBox bb (voronoiCells delaunay')) $ \i polygon -> do
        setColor (mma i)
        sketch (growPolygon (-2) polygon)
Generated file: size 37KB, crc32: 0x7130f1e1