-- | Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagrams.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/delaunay_voronoi.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> import           Draw
-- >>> import           Geometry.Algorithms.Sampling
-- >>> import           Control.Monad.ST
-- >>> import           Numerics.Functions
-- >>> import           Geometry.Core                as G
-- >>> import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo     as C
-- >>> import qualified Data.Vector                  as V
-- >>> import qualified System.Random.MWC            as MWC
-- >>>
-- >>> seed = [2]
-- >>> (width, height) = (600::Int, 600::Int)
-- >>> :{
-- points = runST $ do
--    gen <- MWC.initialize (V.fromList (map fromIntegral seed))
--    let bb = boundingBox [zero, Vec2 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)]
--    points <- poissonDisc gen bb 16 5
--    let radius = fromIntegral (min width height) / 2.5
--    pure (filter (\p -> normSquare (p -. boundingBoxCenter bb) <= radius^2) points)
-- :}
-- >>> delaunay = delaunayTriangulation points
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/delaunay_voronoi.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 1)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     let edgeCenter (Line start end) = (start +. end) /. 2
--         imageSize = fromIntegral (min width height)
--     for_ (delaunayEdges delaunay) $ \edge -> do
--         let startRamp = imageSize * 0.4
--             endRamp = imageSize * 0.8
--             opacity = 1 - smoothstep startRamp endRamp (let Vec2 _ y = edgeCenter edge in y)
--         setColor (mma 3 `withOpacity` opacity)
--         sketch edge
--         stroke
--     for_ (clipEdgesToBox bb (voronoiEdges delaunay)) $ \edge -> do
--         let startRamp = imageSize * 0.2
--             endRamp = imageSize * 0.6
--             opacity = smoothstep startRamp endRamp (let Vec2 _ y = edgeCenter edge in y)
--         setColor (mma 0 `withOpacity` opacity)
--         sketch edge
--         stroke
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 729KB, crc32: 0x640a6e45
module Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay (
    -- * Core
    , Api.DelaunayTriangulation

    -- * Accessors
    , delaunayTriangles
    , delaunayEdges
    , voronoiCorners
    , Api.Ray(..)
    , voronoiEdges
    , Api.VoronoiPolygon(..)
    , voronoiCells
    , delaunayHull
    , findClosestInputPoint

    -- * Convenience
    , clipEdgesToBox
    , clipCellsToBox
    , lloydRelaxation
) where

import           Data.Vector                  (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector                  as V
import qualified Geometry.Algorithms.Clipping as Clipping
import           Geometry.Core

import qualified Geometry.Algorithms.Delaunay.Internal.Delaunator.Api as Api

-- $setup
-- >>> import           Draw
-- >>> import           Control.Monad.ST
-- >>> import           Geometry.Algorithms.Sampling
-- >>> import           Geometry.Core                as G
-- >>> import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo     as C
-- >>> import qualified Data.Vector                  as V
-- >>> import qualified System.Random.MWC            as MWC
-- >>>
-- >>> :{
-- >>> numPoints = 2^7
-- >>> seed = [2]
-- >>> (width, height) = (600::Int, 400::Int)
-- >>> points = runST $ do
-- >>>     gen <- MWC.initialize (V.fromList (map fromIntegral seed))
-- >>>     let margin = 100
-- >>>         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
-- >>>     uniformlyDistributedPoints gen bb numPoints
-- >>> delaunay = delaunayTriangulation points
-- >>> :}

-- | Create an (abstract) 'Api.DelaunayTriangulation' from a set of points. The
-- resulting data structure can be queried using various functions in this module.
-- Some of the accessor results are aligned, e.g. 'delaunayTriangles' and
-- 'voronoiCorners' have related \(i\)-th entries. Similarly it is possible to
-- annotate accessor results with arbitrary data by simply mapping over or zipping
-- them with the data source.
delaunayTriangulation :: Sequential vector => vector Vec2 -> Api.DelaunayTriangulation
delaunayTriangulation :: forall (vector :: * -> *).
Sequential vector =>
vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation
delaunayTriangulation = Vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation
forall (vector :: * -> *).
Sequential vector =>
vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation
Api.delaunayTriangulation (Vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation)
-> (vector Vec2 -> Vector Vec2)
-> vector Vec2
-> DelaunayTriangulation
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. vector Vec2 -> Vector Vec2
forall a. vector a -> Vector a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Sequential f => f a -> Vector a

-- | All Delaunay triangles, ordered roughly from the center of the input points’
-- bounding box.
-- __Note:__ The circumcenter of the \(i\)-th triangle is the \(i\)-th entry of
-- 'voronoiCorners'. This can be used to 'V.zip' them.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/triangles.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/triangles.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     V.iforM_ (delaunayTriangles delaunay) $ \i triangle -> do
--         setColor (mma i)
--         sketch (growPolygon (-2) triangle)
--         fill
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 48KB, crc32: 0x960a4150
delaunayTriangles :: Api.DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Polygon
delaunayTriangles :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Polygon
delaunayTriangles = DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Polygon

-- | Each (undirected) edge of the Delaunay triangulation.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/edges.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/edges.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     V.iforM_ (delaunayEdges delaunay) $ \i edge -> do
--         setColor (mma i)
--         sketch edge
--         stroke
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 97KB, crc32: 0xc283d1df
delaunayEdges :: Api.DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Line
delaunayEdges :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Line
delaunayEdges = DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Line

-- | Corners of the Voronoi cells, useful for painting them in isolation.
-- __Note:__ The \(i\)-th corner is the circumcenter of the \(i\)-th entry of
-- 'delaunayTriangles'. This can be used to 'V.zip' them.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_corners.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_corners.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     for_ (clipEdgesToBox bb (voronoiEdges delaunay)) $ \edge -> do
--         setColor (mma 0 `withOpacity` 0.2)
--         sketch edge
--         stroke
--     V.iforM_ (voronoiCorners delaunay) $ \i corner -> do
--         setColor (mma i)
--         sketch (Circle corner 2)
--         fill
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 155KB, crc32: 0xfd606083
voronoiCorners :: Api.DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2
voronoiCorners :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2
voronoiCorners = DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2

-- | Each edge of the Voronoi diagram. The boundary edges extend to
-- infinity, and are provided as 'Api.Ray's.
-- 'clipEdgesToBox' conveniently handles the case of constraining
-- this to a rectangular viewport.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_edges.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_edges.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     V.iforM_ (clipEdgesToBox bb (voronoiEdges delaunay)) $ \i edge -> do
--         setColor (mma i)
--         sketch edge
--         stroke
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 94KB, crc32: 0x8e95bd19
voronoiEdges :: Api.DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector (Either Line Api.Ray)
voronoiEdges :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector (Either Line Ray)
voronoiEdges = DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector (Either Line Ray)

-- | All Voronoi polygons. The polygons at the hull can be infinite.
-- 'clipCellsToBox' conveniently handles the case of constraining
-- this to a rectangular viewport.
-- __Note:__ The cell of the \(i\)-th input point is the \(i\)-th entry of
-- 'voronoiCells'. This can be used to 'V.zip' them.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_cells.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/voronoi_cells.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     V.iforM_ (clipCellsToBox bb (voronoiCells delaunay)) $ \i polygon -> do
--         setColor (mma i)
--         sketch (growPolygon (-2) polygon)
--         fill
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 37KB, crc32: 0x8587a040
voronoiCells :: Api.DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Api.VoronoiPolygon
voronoiCells :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector VoronoiPolygon
voronoiCells = DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector VoronoiPolygon

-- | We get the convex hull for free out of the calculation. Equivalent to
-- calling 'convexHull' on the input points, but as a 'Vector'.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/convex_hull.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/convex_hull.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     sketch (Polygon (toList (delaunayHull delaunay)))
--     setColor (mma 1)
--     stroke
--     for_ points $ \p -> do
--         sketch (Circle p 2)
--         setColor (mma 3)
--         fill
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 37KB, crc32: 0x461696a3
delaunayHull :: Api.DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2
delaunayHull :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2
delaunayHull = DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector Vec2

-- | Find the index of the closest input point.
-- @'findClosestInputPoint' needle start@ returns the index @i@ of the closest input
-- point to @needle@, starting the search at @start@. @start=0@ searches the
-- entire input. @points!i@ is the closest point’s position.
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/find_triangle.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/find_triangle.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--         findThesePoints = runST $ do
--             gen <- MWC.initialize (V.fromList (map (succ . fromIntegral) seed))
--             let margin' = 20
--                 bb' = boundingBox [Vec2 margin' margin', Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin') (fromIntegral height - margin')]
--             poissonDisc gen bb' 50 4
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     for_ (delaunayEdges delaunay) $ \edge -> do
--         setColor (black `withOpacity` 0.5)
--         sketch edge
--         stroke
--     let foundTriangleIndices = [(p, findClosestInputPoint delaunay p 0) | p <- toList findThesePoints]
--     for_ (zip [0..] foundTriangleIndices) $ \(i, (needle, p)) -> do
--         let closest = points V.! p
--         cairoScope $ do
--             setColor (mma i)
--             sketch (Circle closest 3) >> fill
--             sketch (Circle needle 3) >> fill
--         cairoScope $ do
--             setColor black
--             sketch (Circle closest 3) >> stroke
--             sketch (Circle needle 3) >> stroke
--         cairoScope $ do
--             setColor (mma i)
--             sketch (Line needle closest) >> stroke
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 181KB, crc32: 0x6d8c142f
    :: Api.DelaunayTriangulation
    -> Vec2 -- ^ Needle
    -> Int  -- ^ Start searching at the \(i\)-th input point of
            --   'delaunayTriangulate'. When doing many lookups for 'Vec2's close
            --   together, starting at the index of the previous find yields a
            --   significant speedup, because most of the time we’re already
            --   there.
    -> Int  -- ^ Input
findClosestInputPoint :: DelaunayTriangulation -> Vec2 -> Int -> Int
findClosestInputPoint = DelaunayTriangulation -> Vec2 -> Int -> Int

-- | Relax the input points by moving them to(wards) their cell’s centroid, leading
-- to a uniform distribution of points. Works well when applied multiple times.
-- The parameter \(\omega\) controls how far the Voronoi cell center moves towards
-- the centroid.
-- [See here for a cool live visualization.](https://observablehq.com/@mbostock/lloyds-algorithm)
--   * \(0\) does not move the points at all.
--   * \(1\) moves the cell’s centers to the cell’s centroid (standard Lloyd).
--   * \(\sim 2\) overshoots the move towards the cell’s center, leading to faster convergence.
--   * \(<0\) values yield wonky-but-interesting behavior! \(\ddot\smile\)
-- <<docs/haddock/Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/lloyd_relaxation.svg>>
-- === __(image code)__
-- >>> :{
-- haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Delaunay/lloyd_relaxation.svg" width height $ \_ -> do
--     let margin = 10
--         bb = boundingBox [Vec2 margin margin, Vec2 (fromIntegral width - margin) (fromIntegral height - margin)]
--     cairoScope $ do
--         setColor (mma 0)
--         setDash [5,5] 0
--         sketch (boundingBoxPolygon bb)
--         stroke
--     let points' = iterate (lloydRelaxation bb 1) points !! 5
--         delaunay' = delaunayTriangulation points'
--     V.iforM_ (clipCellsToBox bb (voronoiCells delaunay')) $ \i polygon -> do
--         setColor (mma i)
--         sketch (growPolygon (-2) polygon)
--         fill
-- :}
-- Generated file: size 37KB, crc32: 0x7130f1e1
    :: (HasBoundingBox boundingBox, Sequential vector)
    => boundingBox
    -> Double -- ^ Convergence factor \(\omega\).
    -> vector Vec2
    -> Vector Vec2
lloydRelaxation :: forall boundingBox (vector :: * -> *).
(HasBoundingBox boundingBox, Sequential vector) =>
boundingBox -> Double -> vector Vec2 -> Vector Vec2
lloydRelaxation boundingBox
bb Double
omega vector Vec2
points = Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Vec2
relax (Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Vec2)
-> (Vector Vec2 -> Vector VoronoiPolygon)
-> Vector Vec2
-> Vector Vec2
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector VoronoiPolygon
voronoiCells (DelaunayTriangulation -> Vector VoronoiPolygon)
-> (Vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation)
-> Vector Vec2
-> Vector VoronoiPolygon
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation
forall (vector :: * -> *).
Sequential vector =>
vector Vec2 -> DelaunayTriangulation
delaunayTriangulation (Vector Vec2 -> Vector Vec2) -> Vector Vec2 -> Vector Vec2
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Vector Vec2
    pointsVec :: Vector Vec2
pointsVec = vector Vec2 -> Vector Vec2
forall a. vector a -> Vector a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Sequential f => f a -> Vector a
toVector vector Vec2
    newCenter :: Vec2 -> Polygon -> Vec2
newCenter Vec2
old Polygon
cell = Vec2
old Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
forall v. VectorSpace v => v -> v -> v
+. Double
omegaDouble -> Vec2 -> Vec2
forall v. VectorSpace v => Double -> v -> v
*.(Polygon -> Vec2
polygonCentroid Polygon
cellVec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
forall v. VectorSpace v => v -> v -> v

    relax :: Vector Api.VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Vec2
    relax :: Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Vec2
relax Vector VoronoiPolygon
cells = (Vec2 -> Polygon -> Vec2)
-> Vector Vec2 -> Vector Polygon -> Vector Vec2
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c
center Polygon
polygon -> Vec2 -> Polygon -> Vec2
newCenter Vec2
center Polygon
        Vector Vec2
        (BoundingBox -> Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Polygon
forall boundingBox.
HasBoundingBox boundingBox =>
boundingBox -> Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Polygon
clipCellsToBox (boundingBox -> BoundingBox
forall a. HasBoundingBox a => a -> BoundingBox
boundingBox boundingBox
bb) Vector VoronoiPolygon

-- | Create a stupidly long line out of a 'Ray' so that it definitely spans well
-- over the bounding box.
comicallyLengthen :: BoundingBox -> Api.Ray -> Line
comicallyLengthen :: BoundingBox -> Ray -> Line
comicallyLengthen BoundingBox
bb (Api.Ray Vec2
start Vec2
dir) =
    let BoundingBox Vec2
bbMin Vec2
bbMax = BoundingBox
        boundingBoxDiagonalNormSquare :: Double
boundingBoxDiagonalNormSquare = Vec2 -> Double
normSquare (Vec2
bbMin Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
forall v. VectorSpace v => v -> v -> v
-. Vec2
        dirNormSquare :: Double
dirNormSquare = Vec2 -> Double
normSquare Vec2
        end :: Vec2
end = Vec2
start Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
forall v. VectorSpace v => v -> v -> v
+. (Double -> Double -> Double
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Double
1 Double
boundingBoxDiagonalNormSquare Double -> Double -> Double
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ Double -> Double -> Double
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Double
1 Double
dirNormSquare) Double -> Vec2 -> Vec2
forall v. VectorSpace v => Double -> v -> v
*. Vec2
    in Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Line
Line Vec2
start Vec2

-- | Convert a 'Ray' to a 'Line', cutting it off when it hits the 'BoundingBox'.
    :: BoundingBox
    -> Api.Ray
    -> Maybe Line -- ^ Nothing if the ray does not hit the bounding box.
clipRay :: BoundingBox -> Ray -> Maybe Line
clipRay BoundingBox
bb Ray
ray = BoundingBox -> Line -> Maybe Line
Clipping.cohenSutherland BoundingBox
bb (BoundingBox -> Ray -> Line
comicallyLengthen BoundingBox
bb Ray

-- | Cut off all 'Ray's to end at the provided 'BoundingBox'. Convenient to take
-- the result of 'voronoiEdges' and clip it to a rectangular viewport.
    :: HasBoundingBox boundingBox
    => boundingBox
    -> Vector (Either Line Api.Ray)
    -> Vector Line
clipEdgesToBox :: forall boundingBox.
HasBoundingBox boundingBox =>
boundingBox -> Vector (Either Line Ray) -> Vector Line
clipEdgesToBox boundingBox
bb' Vector (Either Line Ray)
segments = do
    let bb :: BoundingBox
bb = boundingBox -> BoundingBox
forall a. HasBoundingBox a => a -> BoundingBox
boundingBox boundingBox
    Either Line Ray
segment <- Vector (Either Line Ray)
    Vector Line -> (Line -> Vector Line) -> Maybe Line -> Vector Line
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Vector Line
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Line -> Vector Line
forall a. a -> Vector a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Maybe Line -> Vector Line) -> Maybe Line -> Vector Line
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case Either Line Ray
segment of
        Left Line
line -> BoundingBox -> Line -> Maybe Line
Clipping.cohenSutherland BoundingBox
bb Line
        Right Ray
ray -> BoundingBox -> Ray -> Maybe Line
clipRay BoundingBox
bb Ray

-- | Cut off all infinite 'VoronoiCell's with the provided 'BoundingBox'. Convenient to take
-- the result of 'voronoiCells' and clip it to a rectangular viewport.
-- This function yields incorrect results when the angle between the directions is
-- too large, because it simply comically enlarges the »infinite« directions to
-- finite size, closes the then finite polygon, and clips the resulting polygon.
-- Since Voronoi cells don’t produce such wide angels for even small point sizes,
-- this is a worthwhile tradeoff. The issue can probably be hacked around by adding
-- another point for all corners enclosed by the direction vectors.
    :: HasBoundingBox boundingBox
    => boundingBox
    -> Vector Api.VoronoiPolygon
    -> Vector Polygon
clipCellsToBox :: forall boundingBox.
HasBoundingBox boundingBox =>
boundingBox -> Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Polygon
clipCellsToBox boundingBox
bb' = (VoronoiPolygon -> Polygon)
-> Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Polygon
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
V.map ((VoronoiPolygon -> Polygon)
 -> Vector VoronoiPolygon -> Vector Polygon)
-> (VoronoiPolygon -> Polygon)
-> Vector VoronoiPolygon
-> Vector Polygon
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \VoronoiPolygon
vPoly -> case VoronoiPolygon
vPoly of
    Api.VoronoiFinite Polygon
polygon -> Polygon -> Polygon -> Polygon
Clipping.sutherlandHodgman Polygon
polygon  Polygon
    Api.VoronoiInfinite Vec2
dirIn [Vec2]
vertices Vec2
dirOut ->
        let comicallyLargePolygon :: Polygon
comicallyLargePolygon = [Vec2] -> Polygon
Polygon ([Vec2
looongIn] [Vec2] -> [Vec2] -> [Vec2]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Vec2]
vertices [Vec2] -> [Vec2] -> [Vec2]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Vec2
            Line Vec2
_ Vec2
looongIn = BoundingBox -> Ray -> Line
comicallyLengthen BoundingBox
bb (Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Ray
Api.Ray ([Vec2] -> Vec2
forall a. HasCallStack => [a] -> a
head [Vec2]
vertices) Vec2
            Line Vec2
_ Vec2
looongOut = BoundingBox -> Ray -> Line
comicallyLengthen BoundingBox
bb (Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Ray
Api.Ray ([Vec2] -> Vec2
forall a. HasCallStack => [a] -> a
last [Vec2]
vertices) Vec2
        in Polygon -> Polygon -> Polygon
Clipping.sutherlandHodgman Polygon
comicallyLargePolygon Polygon
    bb :: BoundingBox
bb = boundingBox -> BoundingBox
forall a. HasBoundingBox a => a -> BoundingBox
boundingBox boundingBox
    viewport :: Polygon
viewport = BoundingBox -> Polygon
forall object. HasBoundingBox object => object -> Polygon
boundingBoxPolygon BoundingBox