Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Functions to cut things into pieces.

(image code)

>>> import Draw
>>> import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Clipping/complicated_intersection.svg" 200 160 $ \_ -> do
    let p1 = Polygon
            [ Vec2 40 30, Vec2 140 30, Vec2 140 140, Vec2 120 140, Vec2 120 80, Vec2 100 80
            , Vec2 100 140, Vec2 80 140, Vec2 80 60, Vec2 60 60, Vec2 60 140, Vec2 40 140 ]
        p2 = Polygon
            [ Vec2 180 20, Vec2 130 20, Vec2 130 35, Vec2 120 35, Vec2 120 20, Vec2 110 20
            , Vec2 110 35, Vec2 100 35, Vec2 100 20, Vec2 90 20, Vec2 90 35, Vec2 80 35
            , Vec2 80 20, Vec2 70 20, Vec2 70 35, Vec2 60 35, Vec2 60 20, Vec2 20 20
            , Vec2 20 40, Vec2 170 60, Vec2 50 80, Vec2 170 100, Vec2 10 120, Vec2 180 140 ]
        cutResult = intersectionPP p1 p2
    setLineJoin LineJoinRound
    cairoScope $ do
        setLineWidth 1
        setColor (mma 0)
        sketch p1
    cairoScope $ do
        setLineWidth 1
        setColor (mma 1)
        sketch p2
    for_ (zip [2..] cutResult) $ \(i, (polygon, _islandOrHole)) -> cairoScope $ do
        setLineWidth 2
        sketch polygon
        setColor (mma i `withOpacity` 0.2)
        setColor (mma i)
Generated file: size 5KB, crc32: 0xd81cbd60


cutLineWithLine :: Line -> Line -> CutLine Source #

Cut a finite piece of paper in one or two parts with an infinite scissors line (depending on whether the scissors miss the line or not).

data CutLine Source #


NoCut Vec2 Vec2

(start, end). No cut has occurred, i.e. the cutting line did not intersect with the object.

Cut Vec2 Vec2 Vec2

(start, cut, end). The input was divided in two lines.


Instances details
Show CutLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Clipping.Internal

Eq CutLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Clipping.Internal


(==) :: CutLine -> CutLine -> Bool #

(/=) :: CutLine -> CutLine -> Bool #

Ord CutLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Geometry.Algorithms.Clipping.Internal

cutPolygon :: Line -> Polygon -> [Polygon] Source #

Cut a polygon in multiple pieces with a line.

For convex polygons, the result is either just the polygon (if the line misses) or two pieces. Concave polygons can in general be divided in arbitrarily many pieces.

cohenSutherland :: BoundingBox -> Line -> Maybe Line Source #

Constrain a line to the inside of a box with the Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Clipping/CohenSutherland/cohenSutherland.svg" 300 200 $ \_ -> do
    let viewport = boundingBox [zero, Vec2 300 200]
        mask = shrinkBoundingBox 20 viewport
        lines = runST $ do
            gen <- MWC.create
            ps <- poissonDisc gen mask 20 4
            for ps $ \p -> do
                angle <- MWC.uniformM gen
                let makeLooong = resizeLineSymmetric (const 500)
                pure (makeLooong (Line p (p +. polar angle 1)))
        clippedLines = mapMaybe (cohenSutherland mask) lines
    for_ clippedLines $ \line -> cairoScope $ do
        setColor (mma 1)
        sketch line
    cairoScope $ do
        C.setLineWidth 2
        setColor (mma 0)
        sketch (boundingBoxPolygon mask)
Generated file: size 22KB, crc32: 0xa5dc883f

clipPolygonWithLine :: Polygon -> Line -> [(Line, LineType)] Source #

Classify lines on the scissors as being inside or outside the polygon.

sutherlandHodgman Source #


:: Polygon


-> Polygon

Convex scissors

-> Polygon 

Clip a polygon with a convex clipping mask using the Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm.

Note: The precondition (convexity) is not checked!

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Clipping/SutherlandHodgman/sutherland_hodgman.svg" 110 100 $ \_ -> do
    let subject = Polygon [Vec2 10 10, Vec2 10 90, Vec2 50 50, Vec2 90 90, Vec2 90 10]
        Polygon scissors' = boundingBoxPolygon [Vec2 40 30, Vec2 100 80]
        scissors = Polygon ( scissors')
        clipped = sutherlandHodgman subject scissors
    sketch clipped >> setColor (mma 0 `withOpacity` 0.5) >> fill
    sketch subject >> setColor (mma 1) >> stroke
    sketch scissors >> setColor (mma 3) >> setDash [3,3] 0 >> stroke
Generated file: size 2KB, crc32: 0x722cb97a

data IslandOrHole Source #

Type of polygons, used to distinguish results of polygon clipping.



An ordinary polygon. It has finite interior and infinite exterior area.


A hole has a finite exterior, and infinite interior.

intersectionPP :: Polygon -> Polygon -> [(Polygon, IslandOrHole)] Source #

Intersection of two polygons.

The union will always be Islands, but for homogenity of types with intersectionPP etc. the type is included anyway.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Clipping/MargalitKnott/intersection.svg" 150 150 $ \_ -> do
    let p1 = boundingBoxPolygon [Vec2 10 10, Vec2 100 100]
        p2 = boundingBoxPolygon [Vec2 50 50, Vec2 140 140]
    for_ (intersectionPP p1 p2) $ \(polygon, _ty) -> cairoScope $ do
        sketch polygon
        setColor (mma 1 `withOpacity` 0.2)
    sketch (p1, p2) >> stroke
Generated file: size 2KB, crc32: 0xdaf13db5

unionPP :: Polygon -> Polygon -> [(Polygon, IslandOrHole)] Source #

Union of two polygons.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Clipping/MargalitKnott/union.svg" 150 150 $ \_ -> do
    let p1 = boundingBoxPolygon [Vec2 10 10, Vec2 100 100]
        p2 = boundingBoxPolygon [Vec2 50 50, Vec2 140 140]
    for_ (unionPP p1 p2) $ \(polygon, _ty) -> cairoScope $ do
        sketch polygon
        setColor (mma 1 `withOpacity` 0.2)
    sketch (p1, p2) >> stroke
Generated file: size 2KB, crc32: 0xcc4c9f5e

differencePP Source #


:: Polygon


-> Polygon


-> [(Polygon, IslandOrHole)]


Difference of two polygons: anything that is in the first argument, but not in the second.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Clipping/MargalitKnott/difference.svg" 150 150 $ \_ -> do
    let p1 = boundingBoxPolygon [Vec2 10 10, Vec2 100 100]
        p2 = boundingBoxPolygon [Vec2 50 50, Vec2 140 140]
    for_ (differencePP p1 p2) $ \(polygon, _ty) -> cairoScope $ do
        sketch polygon
        setColor (mma 1 `withOpacity` 0.2)
    sketch (p1, p2) >> stroke
Generated file: size 2KB, crc32: 0x9388b325

hatch Source #


:: Polygon 
-> Angle

Direction in which the lines will point. deg 0 is parallel to the x axis.

-> Double

Distance between shading lines

-> Double

An offset of 0 means a line will go through the center of the polygon's BoundingBox.

-> [Line] 

Add shading lines to a polygon. This is especially useful for a pen plotter to do shading, hence the name.

(image code)

>>> :{
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Clipping/hatched_polygon.svg" 100 100 $ \_ -> do
    let polygon = Polygon [Vec2 10 10, Vec2 70 45, Vec2 90 10, Vec2 90 90, Vec2 50 55, Vec2 10 90]
    let hatching = hatch polygon (deg 30) 10 0
    cairoScope $ do
        for_ hatching sketch
        setColor (mma 1)
    sketch polygon
Generated file: size 2KB, crc32: 0x81dce6d7