Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




rungeKuttaConstantStep Source #


:: VectorSpace vec 
=> (Double -> vec -> vec)

= dy/dt = f(t, y)

-> vec

Initial y

-> Double

Initial time

-> Double

Step size

-> [(Double, vec)]

Infinite list of (time, y). Use e.g. takeWhile to narrow it down if necessary.

Solve a system of first-order differential equations with RK4 (»the standard Runge-Kutta«).

Solution of a planetary model (with adjusted gravity and small friction for a prettier non-elliptic trajectory),

\[ \begin{align} \mathbf {\ddot x} &= - \underbrace{ g \frac {\mathbf x} {\|\mathbf x\|^{3-\varepsilon}}}_{\text{Gravity} } - \underbrace{ \mu \|\mathbf{\dot x}\| \mathbf{\dot x}}_{\text{Friction} } \\ \mathbf{x}(0) &= \begin{pmatrix}100\\0\end{pmatrix} \\ \mathbf{\dot x}(0) &= \begin{pmatrix}4\\4\end{pmatrix} \\ \varepsilon &= 0.06 \\ g &= 2200 \\ \mu &= 0.0001 \end{align} \]

rungeKuttaAdaptiveStep Source #


:: VectorSpace vec 
=> (Double -> vec -> vec)

= dy/dt = f(t, y)

-> vec

Current y

-> Double

Current time

-> Double

Initial step size

-> (vec -> Double)

Norm function to calculate how good our estimate is

-> Double

Error tolerance

-> [(Double, vec)]

Infinite list of (time, y). Use e.g. takeWhile to narrow it down if necessary.

Solve a system of first-order differential equations with RKF45 (Runge-Kutta-Feinberg, adaptive step size using 4th-and-5th-order Runge-Kutta).

Solution for a double pendulum: