Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- triangulate :: Polygon -> [Polygon]
triangulate :: Polygon -> [Polygon] Source #
Split a polygon into a number of triangles.
Triangulations often make things easier to handle. For example, you may not know the formula to calculate the area of a polygon. But if you know the area of a triangle, then you can calculate the area by summing up the area of the triangulated pieces.
(image code)
haddockRender "Geometry/Algorithms/Triangulate/triangulate.svg" 240 210 $ \_ -> do let polygon = Polygon [Vec2 10 74, Vec2 130 10, Vec2 140 143, Vec2 199 94, Vec2 232 175, Vec2 188 203, Vec2 35 133, Vec2 103 68] triangles = triangulate polygon C.setLineJoin C.LineJoinRound for_ (zip [0..] triangles) $ \(i, triangle) -> cairoScope $ do sketch triangle setColor (mma i) C.fillPreserve C.stroke cairoScope $ do C.setLineWidth 2 setColor black sketch polygon C.stroke :} Generated file: size 4KB, crc32: 0xf8dda52c